Founded in 2008, nonprofit ReCreate works with businesses and individuals in the region to divert clean usable but unwanted items. With these items, ReCreate provides hands-on educational programs and strives to make creative expression accessible to all.
Education program: ReCreate brings hands-on exploration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) learning to schools throughout the greater Sacramento region. By integrating high-tech tools with reuse materials, we provide low-cost, innovative learning and enrichment programs to the students of our region, one classroom at a time. Our learning programs span from preschool through high school. ReCreate believes that building interest in STEAM nurtures a more vibrant community, and creates a stronger future workforce. ReCreate also provides More Art, Less Waste, environmental arts education, to schools in the region.
ReCreate Craft Thrift Store and Studio: Located at 6827 Lonetree Blvd #105, in Rocklin, The ReCreate Craft Thrift Store and Creative Reuse Studio are open to the public 7 days a week. By working with individuals and businesses, Each year, ReCreate diverts approximately 65 tons of unwanted but perfectly usable items from entering the landfill. These items are sold far below current market prices, helping to make creative expression accessible to all. Additionally, proceeds from our store and studio help us bring programs to more schools in the region.
What We Do
ReCreate is committed to reducing waste in our community—and inspiring others to do the same—through art, education, and imagination.
How We Do It
ReCreate collects safe and clean—but unwanted—items from local businesses, diverting approximately many tons of material from landfill each year.
And just what do we do with these reclaimed treasures?
We stock our ReCreate’s Craft Thrift Store and Studio, as well as source supplies for our education programs.
At our ReUse Store, knitters, crafters, teachers, costume-makers, scrap-bookers, and holiday-decoration enthusiasts can find an array of exciting goods for their projects, all at thrift store prices!
Visitors to our Store and Studio, where we hold drop-in hours, scheduled classes, camps, and birthday parties get to use our supercool diverted materials for their creations.
We educate.
Each year, we bring our More Art, Less Waste program to over 10,000 elementary school students in the greater Sacramento region. In addition to this program, we offer a multitude of workshops at our site, from creative studio crafting for kids to arts workshops for adults to maker education summer camps for tomorrow’s engineers—all using the materials we diverted from landfill, simultaneously helping our planet and educating people on why we should reduce, reuse, and recycle.
ReCreate also brings our GeniusMobile - to bring hands-on project-based STEAM learning to schools in our region. We also offer Family Maker Nights - hands-on fun for the whole family that we can host at your school or site.
We reach out to our community.
You may see our colorful, can’t-miss-it Rolling ReCreate truck at fairs, festivals, or special events held by local businesses such as IKEA or Whole Foods. We provide materials (diverted, of course) and tools for a free, on-the-spot art experience. Our fun facilitators, armed with glue guns and boundless creativity, can bring out the artistic genius in anyone.